I've been absent from the blog world for a little bit (if anyone has noticed). September came, it conquered?, or it was super-busy. Trust me, my fellow readers (admirers? what?), I have written so many blogs in my head it would blow your mind! None of them have made it to the computer however and are, alas, lost to my memory.
So in light of this absence, here is a summary of what the family was up to in September. It has pictures. Enjoy.
Bryon worked A LOT last month. We did get to make it down to Soldotna for Labor Day weekend though. I learned to can salmon (which is awesome). We canned enough to eat canned salmon once a week for a year if we wanted to. We had a great time spending time with the family!
Lot of fun was had by all! Anything involving cake, cats, salmon, and goats has to be fun!
Asher has been super-busy as well. At the beginning of the month, he went on an overnight camp-out with his fifth grade class and had lots of fun. The canoeing was his favorite activity. He still talks about it (and how all activities would be better if they just had canoeing). Rowan and I went out to hang out with him during the day. I helped make spaghetti for dinner. I have never seen (or made) that much pasta in my life!
My two boys having fun!
Asher has also been busy with his cub scout pack. They are in the midst of selling popcorn (and we must get on it and get some sold!). Rowan and I had another opportunity to hang out with Asher at a cub scout event. We went geocaching at the Chena Lakes Recreation Area. It was a neat activity, kinda like a modern day treasure hunt. I look forward to making this a family activity sometime.
Asher trying to work our GPS (note to self, figure out how to use it outside of the car for the next time...)
Rowan had his four-month well-child check and shots towards the beginning of September. He turned four months old on Sept 19. I can't believe it! He is growing up sooo quickly. He is on the right track though, gaining weight and inches. My favorite Rowan milestone for September: rolling over from his back to his tummy. He is a little talker too. Very noisy and playful! He makes everyone in the house smile big!
Such a handsome little man!
As for me, September marked the beginning of exercise. That's right, three days a week for the whole month! I haven't missed yet. While I haven't lost any weight yet, I am starting to look a little firmer, not so floppy. I've written a whole post about this in my head, hopefully it will make it out to the computer this month! I've also been living the life of a stay-at-home mom who never seems to spend all of a day at home. We always have stuff going on it seems!
September brought a gorgeous fall to us up in Alaska. Next year I am going to devote an entire day (or weekend, or month, whatever) to taking tons of fall pictures. I'm telling you, this was the most vibrant fall I have ever experienced. It was odd, however, feeling that fall chill towards the end of August. I'm used to those feelings in October.
To wrap it up, I will close saying this: It SNOWED on the last day of September here. That's right. SNOWED. It doesn't matter that it didn't stick to the ground. It was there. I'm not sure if I am ready for it.
I will be much more present in this month of October! That is my goal.
How is everyone else's fall going??
So..........question. Did a baby moose walk on Rowan's face in the second picture set? What looks like animal prints?
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you guys had a great September! Great pics! Jealous! But not about your first snow fall. No thank you.
Oh. And I will require one jar of canned salmon for Christmas.
Thank you.
Nope, no moose. Just chocolate kisses from big brother after he finished his s'mores. I suppose you can have a jar of salmon...just subtract it from my food count so I know I have to buy more to feed the family....just kidding (about the feeding the family part, you can have a jar.)