Monday, April 4, 2011

I Am an Email Zen Master!

That's right...I have mastered the art of having absolutely nothing in my inbox!  I can't describe the feeling, having after checked your daily email, the look of a page that email.

How did I do it, you ask?  Well, first I was inspired by this article on a blog I follow:

The rest...simple as macaroni and cheese out of a box!  I unsubscribed to all of the crap that I automatically delete without reading, I archived emails that I need to refer to later on, and that was all she wrote!

I offered to turn Bryon into an email Zen Master, didn't work so much.  He kinda raised his eyebrows and was like, "Really?"  However, I did see him unsubscribe from one junk email yesterday, so maybe I inspired him just a little??

So to the rest of you, this is just a simple way that I uncluttered one area out of my cluttered lifestyle!  Maybe it could work for you!


  1. And just why after a visit home do you feel the need to declutter your life?

  2. Where do you ever come up with these things?

  3. I'm highly imaginative....I don't know. I've been feeling the need to declutter for awhile now, I've finally got some drive to do it!
